White Acacia Leaf Beetle (Dicranosterna circe)

The White Acacia Leaf Beetle is not a common species in Brisbane. I have spent years looking for them but the only place I have ever spotted them is in Daisy Hill.

In my personal opinion, they are one of the most beautiful and elegant leaf beetles here in Brisbane. I especially like their creamy white colour and the smooth oval bodies. Whenever I saw them my day was brightened up a little.

The host tree is Acacia tree.

Like most leaf beetles, the larvae live on the same tree as the adults. When the time comes, they will drop on the ground and pupate in the leaf litter and soil.

The female lays her eggs in a neat row.

When the lava sheds its skin, it glues the tip of its bottom to the leaf and wriggles out of the old skin.

The larvae.

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